the oil filter on the catwalk
a textile dance
Production: egli_items
Coproduction: Verein Textilland Ostschweiz, St. Gallen
Concept, choreography: Philipp Egli
Stage: Helmut Sennhauser
Costumes: Ursula Müller
Dance & Collaboration: Sandra Klimek, Kuan-Ling Tsai, Samuel Delvaux
Sound: Marcel Gschwend
Editing Projection: Fabian Kaiser
Assistance Dance: Viviane Tita
Assistance Costumes: Simone Lagger
Stagiaire: Sheena Brunhart
Premiere: St. Laurenzen Church, St. Gallen, Mai 15, 2018
Technical and traditional textiles are celebrated in dance. For more information and individual booking go to
Also a detailed PDF.
Phillip Egli | Freiestrasse 166, 8032 Zürich | 078 776 76 96 |
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©2025 Philipp Egli, Zürich, Switzerland