abGang – eine Lesung mit Hindernissen
(Departure – a Reading with Obstacles)
Production: egli_items
Concept, choreography: Philipp Egli
Textconcept, script: Thomas Sarbacher
Choreographic collaberation, dance: Jena Hendry, Sandra Klimek, Kuan-Ling Tsai
Costume: Zoé Brandenberg
Production Management: ACTuUM, Thomas Pérronet
Support: TANZHAUS Zürich
Premiere: 24.01.2019
Zündel, main character in Markus Werner’s novel from 1984, teacher at a grammar school in Zurich, middle thirties, married, feels in himself – like a creeping infection – the existential gnawing of everyday life. What helps against the bold everyday attacks, against the serene robustness of the normal? In Werner’s prose, the comical and the absurd are combined with the bitterest and most serious, and the content is highly topical for today’s existence and togetherness. The dance, which likes to nourish itself from the inner feelings of the figure Zündel, lets the biting text and bilious humour breathe, gives it space and time to reverberate.
Without a mind, you live spontaneously.
Anyone who is not prepared to scurry through life mutely and without a trace is an egotistical dirty pig. The end.
Phillip Egli | Freiestrasse 166, 8032 Zürich | 078 776 76 96 |
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©2025 Philipp Egli, Zürich, Switzerland